Artist Statement
This installation was inspired by my interest in the relationship between interior and exterior space. I've always been interested in the body's relationship with sculptural objects, whether or not the body has to move in order to fully view the piece, or even if the body can be inside of the art object. With this piece, I was also thinking about gender, perceptions of gender, and what aspects of ourselves we allow the world to see. I chose to dye large-scale cuts of fabric in one indigo bath to achieve a close range of color on both pieces, knowing they would be used for the "walls", which represent the masculine representation that I desire for the world to perceive of me. Throughout my time experimenting with different dyes, I collected a variety of strips and came to realize that if combined together, they could serve as a representation of the interior space that would sit behind or within the exterior. I chose to hang both the indigo-dyed walls and the mixture of dyed pieces because I wanted the viewer to be able to spatially relate their body to a representation of how I understand myself.
- Artist: Fransje Gimbrere
- In process photos of experimenting with dyes
Final Images